Laborshed Data

Avenue of the Saints Development Park


estimated total likely to accept employment in Charles City

estimated of currently employed likely to change employment in Charles City

of unemployed likely to accept employment in Charles City

Employed are willing to commute an average of 15 miles one-way

Manufacturing is the largest industry in Charles City

Warehouse & Distribution

currently employed


of currently employed likely to accept new employment


have an education level beyond high school

Workers currently commute an average of 9 miles one way

Those likely to change/accept employment are willing to commute an average of 26 miles one way

Advanced Manufacturing

currently employed


of currently employed likely to accept new employment


have an education level beyond high school

Workers currently commute an average of 11 miles one way

Those likely to change/accept employment are willing to commute an average of 25 miles one way


Executive Summary

Warehouse & Distribution

Advanced Manufacturing

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Charles City